How to Survive Your School Math Class and Math Exams

This is especially for those who are weak in math. Many of us face problems in doing homework, solving equations and much more. We become scared of it thanks to the un-enlightened teachers who makes situations worse. Indian education system needs a reshuffle and some very good educators who are in extreme lack in our society. Everyone is born with different skills and abilities, some are good in painting, some literature, some acting and some in solving the hardest equations. But we have the ability to learn new things and explore ideas and solutions. A good teacher makes use of this ability to help weaker students become strong. Let’s face it, no one is born with the skill to play the piano or to fly an airplane. They are taught! Even a child is taught how to walk!

Here we have formulated few basic learning skills for those who are afraid of mathematics. It is not rocket science and with few skills and practice anyone can do it!

  1. Read Your Textbooks

All mathematics textbooks are made in a particular style. You need to read most of it in order to understand them. Textbooks goes beyond technical terms. It follows a sequence and framework of what is to be studied first and what next. It is then followed by practice questions and exercises for your benefit.

  1. Read Anything Twice

You will never grasp the entire material or question unless you read something twice. Do not hesitate, it is not a sign of weakness! Even the professional mathematician, read equations and problems many times before they solve it. It can also can you twice, thrice or more than that to understand what the question is asking. If you are giving a final exam, let’s say, going to be class 8 then cbse class 7 study material is important to understand fully.

  1. Highlight The Main Points

Although highlighting in math textbooks seems very unimportant, highlighting the problem areas help to focus on solving them. For example, important theorems, formulas and equations are important to highlight. The highlighted texts automatically form an impression on the brain.

  1. Take Notes

Always take notes no matter what subject you are studying. Once you understand something, make a short note at the side. You may think that you will remember but our mind are not strong enough to remember each and every thing. The best way to increase your memory is writing down your understanding. That way you will never forget it.

  1. Practice As Much As You Can

The most obvious method that everyone will recommended is practice. This is because this is the most effective method of any study. Practicing exercises and maths model for class 7 cbse, will help you preparing for the class 7 final exam. Homework here come very handy; no, it is not torture! But the more you practice your homework, the better you will get at the subject. It is also an evaluation method for yourself and your teacher on the skill set you have on the particular subject.

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