Jackass Forever Movie Review

Jackass Forever Age Rating, Check Jackass Forever Parents Guide And Age Rating

Jackass Forever

Jackass Forever is a Paramount Pictures’ 2022 American reality comedy film directed and produced by Jeff Tremaine, with producers Spike Jonze and Johnny Knoxville. Following Jackass 3D, it is the fourth main instalment in the Jackass film series (2010). Knoxville, Danger Ehren, Steve-O, Dave England, Chris Pontius, Wee Man, Preston Lacy, and newcomers to the Jackass group, as well as celebrity guests, star in the film.

The MPAA has given Jackass Forever an R rating due to the film’s crass content and dangerous stunts, as well as its graphic nudity and swearing.

Violence – D

In the course of performing tricks and stunts, people are repeatedly struck (with large items, paintballs, rubber bullets, live animals, and so on), bitten, stung, battered, thrown, and maimed.

Sexual Content – D

Full-frontal male nudity is frequently seen, usually featuring weird and extraordinary distortion, ornamentation, or general abuse of male genitals. A person consumes pig sperm.

Profanity- D

Over 200 profanities are used, including 135 sexual expletives, 44 scatological curses, and frequent references to deities and mild profanities.

Alcohol / Drug Use – A

None. No use of Any Alcohol or Drugs.

Jackass Forever Movie Review

There hasn’t been much change here, other than a few new cast members and some grey hair on the old ones. There’s some amusing slapstick, but there’s also fear, agony, cruelty, nausea, and some obnoxious peer pressure instances. If you count Bad Grandpa, this is the fifth Jackass feature film (2013). Jackass Forever takes place 20 years after the original film, and these characters haven’t learnt their lesson yet. For every perfectly timed comedy pratfall, there’s a moment when a performer is plainly in pain or suffering and cries out to stop, but is finally persuaded to keep going by peer pressure.

Jackass Forever Parents Guide

For those who are familiar with the Jackass franchise, there is no plot worth mentioning. Technically, this is a documentary, but calling the irrational scribbling on the walls of a public restroom as a novel is a stretch. This is 96 minutes of deadly mayhem involving dozens of insane people aiming to cause major injury in the name of public entertainment.

Is Jackass Forever Kid-Friendly?

For strong crude material and dangerous stunts, graphic nudity, and language throughout, Jackass Forever is rated R, which means it is not suitable for anybody under the age of 18. There’s no MPAA rating that would provide any constructive advice regarding the movie’s inappropriateness for audiences of any age, Common Sense Media said in a recent assessment of a Jackass film. Parents should be aware that the film contains some really revolting and visually explicit humor.

Jackass Forever Movie ReviewJackass Forever Parents GuideIs Jackass Forever Kid-Friendly

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