The Secret to Lowering a High Utility Bill

The Secret to Lowering a High Utility Bill

Did you know the average American family spends $4,158 on utilities every year? And that high number can be even higher depending on where you live.

With the cost of living rising and stagnating wages, most Americans cannot afford a high utility bill.

You can cut costs. Do you want to know how?

Read on for tips on how to lower your utility bill.

Install a Dishwasher and Run It at Night

It may feel counterintuitive, but hand washing your dishes uses more water than a dishwasher. Today’s energy-efficient dishwashers use far less water and far less electricity than their ancient counterparts. While a dishwasher may feel like a luxury, investing in one will lower your water bill.

To get the most out of your dishwasher, try running it at night rather than peak day hours. You likely have fewer household items draining your electricity during the evening hours.

Air-Dry Laundry

Drying your laundry the old-fashioned way is a great way to lower your utility bills.

Not only will you use less gas by not running your dryer, but you’ll also use less electricity. If you live in an apartment or a cramped space, you may not think you can dry your clothes on the line.

You’re mistaken. You can buy an indoor air drying rack.

Switch to LED Lighting

Incandescent lightbulbs are old technology that uses a considerable amount of energy. LED lightbulbs and lighting fixtures use almost 80% less electricity than traditional bulbs.

You can install lighting strips above kitchen cabinets or in your bathrooms for more efficient LED lighting.

Clean Your Windows and Use Shades

Cleaning your windows isn’t only about aesthetic beauty; it’s about energy efficiency.

Clean windows allow more sunlight, and in the winter, this extra sunlight can help heat your home during the daylight hours. So make sure you do a fall cleaning to save some cash.

But bare windows are inefficient in the summer. Excess sunlight during the hot months will cause your air conditioner to run harder and waste electricity.

Switch to Solar

In some cases, lowering your utility bills requires an upfront investment. Investing in solar from a reputable company like Blue Raven solar company will cost you some money, but the savings on your electricity bill pay for the initial investment.

The benefits of switching to solar are lower electricity bills, a lower carbon footprint, and more energy independence. You’ll spend less per month, and you will have power during outages. The less you rely on a utility company, the more savings you’ll see.

And if you’re worried about the start-up cost, government programs can cover up to 30% of your installation cost.

Get Rid of High Utility Bills

Are high utility bills crushing your budget? Don’t let them. With a few tweaks to your daily habits, you can get your bills under control.

An investment in a new dishwasher and solar energy will also save you money in the long run.

Do you need more green tips? Make sure to check out the rest of our page.

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