How Great Managers Improve Employee Performance Goals

Managers are defined as somebody who organizes or controls the work or business. In everyday life, we are all managers from the time we are born. We keep managing studies with playtime. We then manage studies with friends, then family issues and so on. All this is self-management Myhrconnection and the basics of managing ourselves.

As life moves on, we start working and in a matter of time, we are to manage our subordinates. Soon we become managers and our role is no longer limited to managing our petty lives but others as well. What separates a manager from a great manager is the behavior of their subordinates or employees.

Certain basic principles need to be drilled into the heads of the employees and performance than changes to a habit and are no more a task. The initial step is to set the expectations right. The manager must understand the employee and the employee must understand the manager. This does not mean that the manager has to show concerns about all the personal issues of the employee, it just means that the manager must be approachable. 

Setting the Goals and Expectations Right

The manager must make clear his/her requirements to his employees and make sure the benefits associated with the completion of the task. The manager must keep his/her word upon the successful completion of the job. At no point should the employee feel that he worked in vain and was not given the rightful appreciation. The employee must be appreciated for a good job and proper credit must be given.

Similarly, the employee must be aware of the other side of the story. He or she must know the repercussions of not completing the job. Many times, managers do not expect everyone to be the best but a minimum performance is always required. So the employees must be aware of both sides of the coin. Once expectations are set right, both parties have a better understanding of each other and employee performance goals are greatly improved if dealt without expectation setting. 

Understanding the Employee

A manager must understand the need of the employee and the employee’s expectation of the job. The fingers of our hand are of different sizes, similarly are the people who work under us. Some employees are looking for growth and some are looking for monetary gains. Most are looking for both. Many are in the organization just for the time being just waiting for some unforeseen aim in their lives.

Some have no interest but are just forced to be here because of their personal needs. A manager must have the capacity to understand the motive of the employee and the rest is mind games. Life is all about to give and take. Every equation has to be solved. You feed the employee’s mind and a good performance is just another day’s work. The best part is the human psychology is such that it does great deeds even in anticipation of something happen. Everything doesn’t need to happen and everyone will be benefitted from day one but that hope can do great wonders in performance. 

Job Security and Management Involvement

Every employee looks for job security. That is the biggest assurance any manager can give his subordinates. Assure them that the basic human requirement of”roti, kapdaaurmakan” will always be fulfilled. It helps them be more secure in life when an employee knows that tomorrow morning when he wakes up he will be able to take care of his/her family.

We can find it very pestering when someone else pokes his nose in our lives but it is not so when management does so. If the company looks after the employee’s family needs from time to time, he will exhibit his full potential for his work. The employee must know that no one else will take care of him/her as the manager/management does. A great manager will make sure that these requirements are taken care of. 

Team Building

It is a must that all managers have appropriate ways of making his or her entire team gel together properly. As we have all heard “All Work and No Play makes Jack a dull boy”. In our daily monotonous work life, all of us become Jack one day or the other. There is very less we can do about it in most organizations but we can certainly have many ways in place to change the situation once in a while. Most small firms have a team outing, a picnic where all the employees come together and enjoy one day to their fullest, where they discuss everything else other than work.

The managers do not remain the same on these days and gel with his/her subordinates. Trust me, the effect of one picnic can last for half a year or a year also. In MNCs, they go out with their respective teams to help all the team members understand each other better. The differences are sorted out and trust me it has a tremendous effect on performance, team-wise. If an outing is not a possibility, many other activities can be done within the office premises for team building site Pubg Pc Download. A great manager must understand the requirement of his or her team and then take a call on the method for team building. It is a very important requirement to improve performance goals. 

Feedback and Praises

The ground rule for every manager is making sure that his subordinate knows where they are headed. After completion of every work, good or bad, feedback from the manager is a must. The employee must know his or her mistakes and the way they could have performed better. If they have done it well, they must be rightly praised and appreciated.

Praises can be anything from a bottle of beer at the end of shift to a recommendation to the higher management depending on the task. Again, a proper appreciation can boost employee morale and drive him or her to perform better. Proper feedback delivered in the right manner can change the employee looks at the task and push himself harder to deliver the required output.

Many other factors impact employee performance. A manager has a vast role to play since he deals with not only his life but the lives of his subordinates as well. Simple words cannot describe their complete role and how they can improve employee performance goals is a book to write. There are many aspects to be looked into when he needs to drive performance and boost employee morale however keeping the basics in place is a great way to start.

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